
A smart X-ray surgical operating room MVS has appeared in Khabarovsk

ФГБУ "Федеральный центр сердечно-сосудистой хирургии" (г. Хабаровск)
Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" (Khabarovsk)
Интегрированная рентгенохирургическая операционная MVS в ФГБУ "Федеральный центр сердечно-сосудистой хирургии" (г. Хабаровск)
Integrated X-ray surgical operating room MVS at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery" (Khabarovsk)

3 medical monitors – an overview monitor, the main control monitor and an electronic board with clock, built into the wall panels of the medical module, are combined into a single complex of telemedicine systems. The monitors can display information from any video sources necessary for surgeons during surgery or research, including patient data, start a timer or show the time.

Главный монитор управления MVS
MVS Main Control Monitor
Розеточные блоки MVS
MVS socket block
Панель управления инженерными системами MVS
MVS Engineering Systems Control Panel

The telemedicine complex in Khabarovsk allows you to control the engineering systems of the operating room (light, humidity, temperature, etc.) from one control panel, record the operation synchronously from video sources and upload it to the hospital’s video archive. With the help of a specialized Hospital platform program developed by Medical Visual Systems, doctors will be able to plan the working load of operating rooms, create and maintain a single centralized archive of the clinic.

The project was commissioned in May 2021.

We thank the heads of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (Khabarovsk) for their trust in us!

Николай Семенович Греховодов, начальник службы эксплуатации Федерального центра сердечно-сосудистой хирургии (г. Хабаровск) об умной операционной MVS
Nikolai Semyonovich Grekhovodov
Head of the Operation Service of the Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (Khabarovsk)
This is a European-level facility, all our wishes are taken into account. I am delighted with the high quality of the work carried out. It will be convenient for everyone to work here: medical staff, surgeons, support services, engineers, medical technicians