
Medical Visual Systems at the VI All-Russian Forum on Telemedicine and Digitalization of Healthcare

This year the forum was held for the 6th time and gathered more than 200 participants. 9 thematic sessions were held, which were attended by 50 professional speakers with practical experience in the field of digital healthcare.

Traditionally, MVS experts took part in the forum. The cornerstone topic of the forum this year was the issues of import substitution in healthcare. The medical equipment market is one of the most closed and conservative, and it is as difficult as possible for new products to enter.

Given the current political situation, Russian healthcare will have to make a technological breakthrough as soon as possible.

Спикеры Телемедфорума 2022
Speakers of the Telemedia Forum 2022

The session “Technological Vanguard of Medicine”, moderated by Igor Shaderkin, Head of the Laboratory of Electronic Health at I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, brought together visionaries and developers of Russian medical technology in a lively discussion.

Grigory Bayburtyan, Product Director of Medical Visual Systems, presented the topic “Operating rooms of the future”. He showed what a modern integrated MVS operating room looks like and outlined the trends that are already defining the surgery of the future.

Summing up the session, the participants of the Telemedicine Forum noted the high technological level of Russian medical technology products in the field of surgery, which inspires faith and motivation to move on.

Григорий Байбуртян, директор по продукту MVS
Grigory Bayburtyan, MVS Product Director