
Clinical Hospital of St. Luke (Department of General Surgery)

Quantity of MVS operation rooms


Year of commissioning


Specializes in the treatment of surgical and oncological diseases of the abdominal cavity, abdominal wall and retroperitoneal space.

Most operations are performed laparoscopically using expert-grade endovideosurgical complexes.

The MVS Integrated Operating Room includes:

  • centralized management of medical equipment and engineering systems from a central panel;
  • video recording of operations for all connected sources;
  • central video archive of operations;
  • monitors with a schedule of operations and monitoring of the actual loading of operating rooms in a clean corridor of the operating unit;
  • video conferences from the operating rooms to other hospital premises.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer of St. Petersburg State Medical Institution "St. Luke's Clinical Hospital"
An integrated operating room should be the standard for equipping a modern high-tech operating unit. In such an operating room, we began to perform more complex operations and perform our work more efficiently, because it is always pleasant to operate in comfortable conditions. Comfort for the surgeon is the key to the success of the operation for the patient. We like that we have it. We are ready to actively share our experience and vision of what the best operating room in the world should look like