
Annual Dealer Days at the MVS office in St. Petersburg

For several years now, MVS has been actively scaling and developing a dealer network that includes 10 regional dealers in Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and the Republic of Belarus. The training is the most important and mandatory point of the dealer’s competence development and is conducted in person at the MVS headquarters in St. Petersburg.

Компании-дилеры MVS

The training program covered the specifics of promotion, sales, marketing, and legal support.

Training in the functionality of solutions was conducted in the MVS showroom and in the operating units of St. Petersburg hospitals.

For technical specialists, the MVS Installation and Service department conducted a product maintenance briefing so that partners in the regions could independently provide full-fledged technical support to customers according to MVS standards.

All participants were awarded certificates of completion of training.

Компании-дилеры MVS
Полина Грузных, руководитель отдела «Цифровые решения» в АиР ГК «Дельрус»
Polina Gruznyh
Head of the Digital Solutions Department at Delrus Group of Companies
Cooperation with the Medical Visual Systems company, I am sure, will not only be successful, but will also improve the quality of medical care to the population. Just a few years ago, dreams of a Smart Operating Room were just dreams. Now we have a domestic solution – the MVS Smart Operating Rooms, the capabilities of which are amazing and admired. The MVS Vega Integrated Operating Room solution is one of the best achievements of Russian manufacturers, which should be in every operating room...