
MVS has joined the new “National Champions” of Russia

The National Champions project includes companies that demonstrate rapid growth through technological innovation and strive for leadership in their niches. In total, applications were received from 63 companies to participate in the selection. After a two-stage procedure of strict expert selection, 16 companies were selected that demonstrate significant growth rates with a capitalization of 300 million to 30 billion rubles, and have a large number of new innovative products.

MVS в составе новых национальных чемпионов 2023
New "National Champions"

To date, there are 105 companies in Russia with the status of “National Champion”. The status of a participant in the National Champions project allows companies to complete an educational and consulting program at the Higher School of Economics, during which a strategy for their further development will be developed. The roadmap prepared as a result of the program will become the basis for the future work of the Association of National Champions with government agencies and development institutions on the provision of state support to companies participating in the project.

Вручение диплома «Национальный чемпион» Кириллу Запутряеву, директору по развитию и учредителю компании Медицинские системы визуализации
Presentation of the diploma "National Champion" to Kirill Zaputryaev, Director of Development and founder of the Medical Visual Systems company
Kirill Zaputryaev, Director of Development and Founder of Medical Visual Systems
Kirill Zaputryaev, Director of Development and Founder of Medical Visual Systems
Diploma of the
Diploma of the "National Champion"
первый заместитель генерального директора компании «Иннопрактика», общественный омбудсмен в сфере защиты прав высокотехнологичных компаний-лидеров
Natalya Popova
First Deputy General Director of Innopraktika, Public Ombudsman in the field of protection of the rights of high-tech leading companies
The status of "National Champion" is not just a name. Now the struggle for the status of "National Champion" is becoming more and more fierce and competitive. The competition consisted of four companies per place. As a result, the champions among the champions were chosen. The segment of national champions has been expanded by companies with high potential for solving the most important tasks in the field of import substitution. When we grow national champions and see how they expand and scale, then we understand that the entire innovation system works smoothly, seamlessly, that all development institutions work as they should. If we have received high-tech developed companies that can work not only in the Russian market, but also in highly competitive foreign markets, then the entire innovation chain works perfectly. I am in favor of more such companies, so that the selection process is even more highly competitive, so that this hall is filled with more and more new national champions...

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